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A library to run simulation-based power analysis, including clustered data. Also useful to design and analyse clustered and switchback experiments.


Hello world

Hello world of the library, non-clustered version. There is an outcome variable analyzed with a linear regression. The perturbator adds a constant effect to treated units, and the splitter is random.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments import PowerAnalysis

# Create fake data
N = 1_000
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "target": np.random.normal(0, 1, size=N),

config = {
    "analysis": "ols_non_clustered",
    "perturbator": "constant",
    "splitter": "non_clustered",
    "n_simulations": 50,
pw = PowerAnalysis.from_dict(config)

# Keep in mind that the average effect is the absolute effect added, this is not relative!
power = pw.power_analysis(df, average_effect=0.1)

# You may also get the power curve by running the power analysis with different average effects
power_line = pw.power_line(df, average_effects=[0, 0.1, 0.2])


Hello world of this library, clustered version. Since it uses dates as clusters, we consider it a switchback experiment. However, if you want to run a clustered experiment, you can use the same code without the dates.

Switchback - config-based
from datetime import date

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments.power_analysis import PowerAnalysis

# Create fake data
N = 1_000
clusters = [f"Cluster {i}" for i in range(100)]
dates = [f"{date(2022, 1, i):%Y-%m-%d}" for i in range(1, 32)]
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "cluster": np.random.choice(clusters, size=N),
        "target": np.random.normal(0, 1, size=N),
        "date": np.random.choice(dates, size=N),

config = {
    "cluster_cols": ["cluster", "date"],
    "analysis": "gee",
    "perturbator": "constant",
    "splitter": "clustered",
    "n_simulations": 50,
pw = PowerAnalysis.from_dict(config)

# Keep in mind that the average effect is the absolute effect added, this is not relative!
power = pw.power_analysis(df, average_effect=0.1)
print(f"{power = }")

Long example

This is a comprehensive example of how to use this library. There are simpler ways to run this power analysis above but this shows all the building blocks of the library.

Switchback - using classes
from datetime import date

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments.experiment_analysis import GeeExperimentAnalysis
from cluster_experiments.perturbator import ConstantPerturbator
from cluster_experiments.power_analysis import PowerAnalysis
from cluster_experiments.random_splitter import ClusteredSplitter

# Create fake data
N = 1_000
clusters = [f"Cluster {i}" for i in range(100)]
dates = [f"{date(2022, 1, i):%Y-%m-%d}" for i in range(1, 32)]
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "cluster": np.random.choice(clusters, size=N),
        "target": np.random.normal(0, 1, size=N),
        "date": np.random.choice(dates, size=N),

# A switchback experiment is going to be run, prepare the switchback splitter for the analysis
sw = ClusteredSplitter(
    cluster_cols=["cluster", "date"],

# We use a constant perturbator to add artificial effect on the treated on the power analysis
perturbator = ConstantPerturbator()

# Use gee to run the analysis
analysis = GeeExperimentAnalysis(
    cluster_cols=["cluster", "date"],

# Run the power analysis
pw = PowerAnalysis(
    perturbator=perturbator, splitter=sw, analysis=analysis, n_simulations=50, seed=123

# Keep in mind that the average effect is the absolute effect added, this is not relative!
power = pw.power_analysis(df, average_effect=0.1)
print(f"{power = }")


The library offers the following classes:

  • Regarding power analysis:
    • PowerAnalysis: to run power analysis on a clustered/switchback design
    • ConstantPerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with constant perturbations
    • BinaryPerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group for binary outcomes
    • RelativePositivePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative positive perturbations
    • NormalPerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with normal distribution perturbations
    • BetaRelativePositivePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative positive beta distribution perturbations
    • BetaRelativePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative beta distribution perturbations in a specified support interval
    • SegmentedBetaRelativePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative beta distribution perturbations in a specified support interval, but using clusters
  • Regarding splitting data:
    • ClusteredSplitter: to split data based on clusters
    • BalancedClusteredSplitter: to split data based on clusters in a balanced way
    • NonClusteredSplitter: Regular data splitting, no clusters
    • StratifiedClusteredSplitter: to split based on clusters and strata, balancing the number of clusters in each stratus
    • RepeatedSampler: for backtests where we have access to counterfactuals, does not split the data, just duplicates the data for all groups
    • Switchback splitters (the same can be done with clustered splitters, but there is a convenient way to define switchback splitters using switch frequency):
      • SwitchbackSplitter: to split data based on clusters and dates, for switchback experiments
      • BalancedSwitchbackSplitter: to split data based on clusters and dates, for switchback experiments, balancing treatment and control among all clusters
      • StratifiedSwitchbackSplitter: to split data based on clusters and dates, for switchback experiments, balancing the number of clusters in each stratus
      • Washover for switchback experiments:
        • EmptyWashover: no washover done at all.
        • ConstantWashover: accepts a timedelta parameter and removes the data when we switch from A to B for the timedelta interval.
  • Regarding analysis:
    • GeeExperimentAnalysis: to run GEE analysis on the results of a clustered design
    • MLMExperimentAnalysis: to run Mixed Linear Model analysis on the results of a clustered design
    • TTestClusteredAnalysis: to run a t-test on aggregated data for clusters
    • PairedTTestClusteredAnalysis: to run a paired t-test on aggregated data for clusters
    • ClusteredOLSAnalysis: to run OLS analysis on the results of a clustered design
    • OLSAnalysis: to run OLS analysis for non-clustered data
    • TargetAggregation: to add pre-experimental data of the outcome to reduce variance
  • Other:
    • PowerConfig: to conviently configure PowerAnalysis class


You can install this package via pip.

pip install cluster-experiments

It may be safer to install via;

python -m pip install cluster-experiments


In case you want to use venv as a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

After creating the virtual environment (or not), run:

git clone
cd cluster-experiments
make install-dev