Power comparison under different hypotheses¶
The goal of this notebook is to understand how different hypotheses change the power of an experiment. We start from some theory, moving to a pratical perspective using simulations and the implementations from this package.
In hypothesis testing, various hypotheses can be examined, but the most common are:
- Two-sided: the effect is different from zero (commonly noted as H0: beta = 0, H1: beta != 0)
- Less: the effect is less than zero (H0: beta >= 0, H1: beta < 0)
- Greater: the effect is greater than zero (H0: beta <= 0, H1: beta > 0)
In most cases the one-sided (less or greater) p-value is half the two-sided p-value. So, if the two-sided p-value is 5%, the one-sided p-value is 2.5%. However, if the actual difference (effect) went opposite to the predicted direction, in this case the one-sided p-value equals one minus half the two-sided value. So if the two-sided p-value is 2.5%, the one-tailed p-value is 97.5%.
Generate random clustered data¶
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments import PowerAnalysis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
from plotnine import ggplot,theme_classic, facet_wrap, geom_density, labs, geom_vline, aes, geom_line, geom_histogram, geom_text,scale_y_continuous
N = 1000
clusters = [f"Cluster {i}" for i in range(50)]
dates = [f"{date(2022, 1, i):%Y-%m-%d}" for i in range(1, 32)]
df = pd.DataFrame(
"cluster": np.random.choice(clusters, size=N),
"target": np.random.normal(0, 1, size=N),
"date": np.random.choice(dates, size=N),
Let's start with a simple OLS model, not clustered, to understand the difference in power. We will try 2 different splitters: constant and normal
splitters = ['constant', 'normal']
results = []
for hypothesis in ["two-sided", "less", "greater"]:
for splitter in splitters:
config = {
"analysis": 'ols',
"perturbator": splitter,
"splitter": "non_clustered",
"n_simulations": 50,
"hypothesis": hypothesis,
pw = PowerAnalysis.from_dict(config)
power_dict = pw.power_line(df, average_effects=list(np.linspace(0.000001, 0.5, 15)))
power_df = pd.DataFrame(list(power_dict.items()), columns=['average_effect', 'power'])
power_df['hypothesis'] = hypothesis
power_df['splitter'] = splitter
final_df = pd.concat(results, ignore_index=True)
average_effect | power | hypothesis | splitter | |
0 | 0.000001 | 0.04 | two-sided | constant |
1 | 0.035715 | 0.06 | two-sided | constant |
2 | 0.071429 | 0.22 | two-sided | constant |
3 | 0.107144 | 0.40 | two-sided | constant |
4 | 0.142858 | 0.64 | two-sided | constant |
def plot(breakdown:str, ncol_facetting:int):
p = (ggplot(final_df, aes(x='average_effect', y = 'power', color='hypothesis'))
+ geom_line()
+ theme_classic()
+ facet_wrap(breakdown, ncol = 1))
We can clearly see that using the correct side (higher, as the effect is positive) increase the power of the experiment. It's also great to see such a low power in case of hypothesis 'less'.
plot(breakdown = 'splitter', ncol_facetting = 1)
Now we will quantify this difference in power between greater and two-sided
pivot_df = (
.pivot(index = [ 'splitter', 'average_effect'], columns = 'hypothesis', values = 'power')
.assign(diff = lambda x: x['greater'] - x['two-sided'])
mean_diff = pivot_df['diff'].mean()
max_count = np.max(pivot_df['diff'].value_counts())
Below we plot the distribution of the difference between 2-sided and 'greater' hypotheses. The mean equals to 4% is the estimated increase in power when using a one-sided experiment. From the 30 iterations, we see that 12 times it didn't change the power, in 2 cases it actually decrease it and in 2 cases the incease in power was 15pp.
(ggplot(pivot_df, aes(x = 'diff'))
+ geom_histogram( alpha=0.5, bins = 10, position="identity")
+ geom_density()
+ geom_vline(xintercept=mean_diff, color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1)
+ geom_text(x=mean_diff, y=np.max(pivot_df['diff'].value_counts()), label=f'Mean: {mean_diff:.2f}', va='bottom', ha='left', color="red")
+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=range(0, int(max_count) + 1))
+ labs(title = 'Histogram of power difference between greater and two sided hypothesis', x='Difference in power')
<Figure Size: (640 x 480)>
Clustered methods¶
Now let's move to clustered methods. To keep the notebook tidy, we will just run the constant perturbator.
results = []
for hypothesis in ["two-sided", "less", "greater"]:
for analysis in ["ols_clustered", "gee", 'ttest_clustered']:
config = {
"analysis": analysis,
"perturbator": "constant",
"splitter": "clustered",
"n_simulations": 50,
"hypothesis": hypothesis,
"cluster_cols": ['cluster', 'date'],
pw = PowerAnalysis.from_dict(config)
power_dict = pw.power_line(df, average_effects=list(np.linspace(0.000001, 0.5, 15)))
power_df = pd.DataFrame(list(power_dict.items()), columns=['average_effect', 'power'])
power_df['hypothesis'] = hypothesis
power_df['analysis'] = analysis
final_df = pd.concat(results, ignore_index=True)
Here, again, we see an increase in power using the correct one-sided hypothesis compared to two-sided.
plot(breakdown = 'analysis', ncol_facetting=1)