Synthetic Control¶
This NB serves as a tutorial on how to run power analysis using synthetic control analysis. It considers that looking at some time frame and some clusters, one of the clusters will receive a treatment and the rest remain in control. This treatment cluster will receive some effect from the Perturbator. Then, we run a power analysis to understand how many times we can capture this perturbation.
In the end we compare the results with Clustered OLS method.
Generate data¶
We will generate some random data with normal distribution of mean 10 and standard deviation of 10.
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments.experiment_analysis import SyntheticControlAnalysis, ClusteredOLSAnalysis
from cluster_experiments.perturbator import ConstantPerturbator
from cluster_experiments.power_analysis import PowerAnalysisWithPreExperimentData, PowerAnalysis
from cluster_experiments.random_splitter import FixedSizeClusteredSplitter
import plotnine as p9
def generate_data(N, start_date, end_date):
dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq="d")
users = [f"User {i}" for i in range(N)]
combinations = list(product(users, dates))
target_values = np.random.normal(100, 10, size=len(combinations))
df = pd.DataFrame(combinations, columns=["user", "date"])
df["target"] = target_values
return df
df = generate_data(20, "2022-01-01", "2022-01-30")
intervention_date = "2022-01-15"
effects = [0, 1, 5, 10, 20]
The graph below shows the evolution of target for each user. When running the synthetic control analysis:
- Select randomly one user to be in treatment group.
- Use pre experiment data (in this case case from 1 to 15th of Jan) to find the best combination of weights
- Apply weights to donors and generate synthetic control user
(p9.ggplot(df, p9.aes(x="date", y="target", color = 'user'))
+ p9.geom_line()
+ p9.labs(title="Data", x="Date", y="Target Value")
+ p9.theme(axis_text_x=p9.element_text(angle=60), figure_size=(12, 6)))
user | date | target | |
0 | User 0 | 2022-01-01 | 99.884697 |
1 | User 0 | 2022-01-02 | 107.471770 |
2 | User 0 | 2022-01-03 | 86.269132 |
3 | User 0 | 2022-01-04 | 116.092658 |
4 | User 0 | 2022-01-05 | 100.131065 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
595 | User 19 | 2022-01-26 | 101.861088 |
596 | User 19 | 2022-01-27 | 89.713442 |
597 | User 19 | 2022-01-28 | 116.505479 |
598 | User 19 | 2022-01-29 | 111.858909 |
599 | User 19 | 2022-01-30 | 107.270857 |
600 rows × 3 columns
Point Estimates¶
sw = FixedSizeClusteredSplitter(n_treatment_clusters=1, cluster_cols=["user"])
perturbator = ConstantPerturbator(
analysis = SyntheticControlAnalysis(
cluster_cols=["user"], time_col="date", intervention_date=intervention_date
pw = PowerAnalysisWithPreExperimentData(
splitter=sw, analysis=analysis, n_simulations=200, perturbator=perturbator
point_estimates = list(pw.simulate_point_estimate(df))
mean_pe = pd.Series(point_estimates).mean()
(p9.ggplot(pd.DataFrame(point_estimates, columns=["effect"]), p9.aes(x="effect"))
+ p9.geom_histogram(bins=18)
+ p9.scale_x_continuous(limits=(0, 15))
+ p9.labs(title = "Point Estimate Distribution")
+ p9.geom_vline(xintercept=10, color="red")
+ p9.geom_text(x=10-2, y=20, label="True Effect", color="red", size = 8)
+ p9.geom_vline(xintercept=mean_pe, color="blue")
+ p9.geom_text(x=mean_pe+2, y=20, label="Mean of point estimates", color="blue", size = 8)
/home/asaas/PycharmProjects/cluster-experiments/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plotnine/ PlotnineWarning: geom_histogram : Removed 2 rows containing missing values.
Power line and Comparison with OLS¶
This power line takes a long time to run because we calculate p values using a permutation test.
p_synth = pw.power_line(df, average_effects=effects)
analysis = ClusteredOLSAnalysis(
cluster_cols=["user"] )
pw = PowerAnalysis(
perturbator=perturbator, splitter=sw, analysis=analysis, n_simulations=200
df = df.query(f"date > '{intervention_date}'")
p_ols = pw.power_line(df, average_effects=effects, n_jobs=5)
df_results = pd.DataFrame({'effect' :list(p_synth.keys()), 'power' : list(p_synth.values())})
synth_df = pd.DataFrame({'effect' : p_synth.keys(),
'method': 'Synthetic',
'power': p_synth.values()})
ols_df = pd.DataFrame({'effect' : p_ols.keys(),
'method': 'OLS',
'power': p_ols.values()})
df_results = pd.concat([synth_df, ols_df])
p9.ggplot(df_results, p9.aes(x='effect', y='power', color='method'))
+ p9.geom_line()
+ p9.geom_point()
+ p9.labs(
title="Comparison between Synthetic Control and OLS",
x="Average effect size", y="Power"
At first sight, we might think that OLS has more power than synthetic control. But we can clearly see that the OLS doesn't behave as expected when using only 1 treatment cluster. This gets clear when we see the power at 0 effect, in which should be equal to alpha (5% in this case). Therefore, is more appropriate to use synthetic control.